How To Change Your Start Button Of Window

9:04 pm | , ,

                         This Is Just Simple Tricks But Just Do It Carefully Don't do any Mistake..

First you need a tool called "Resource Hacker". This free service program allows you to change resources in any .exe file such as "Explorer.exe", which includes the [Start] button's Label. You can visit and search there for "Resource Hacker".

After you download it, follow these Steps here:

Step 1

  • Run "Resource Hacker" and open the file  %windir%\Explorer.exe
  • You see a Tree of all Resources in this file, expand the "String Table"
  • Find the "start" and replace it with your own text. then press the [Compile Script] button.
  • Save "Explorer.exe" as "MyStart.exe" DONT save it as Explorer.exe, do "save as.." and give it a new name.
  • Quit "Resource Hacker".

 After Following These Steps Then Follow

Step 2

  • Click on the [Start] button and choose the "Run." item from the start menu.
  • Type "RegEdit" in the Run "Dialog Box". And then press the Ok buton to run the "Registry Editor" program.
  • Go to: " HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon " and find the "Shell" property.
  • Replace value of the "Shell" property to "MyStart.exe".
  • Quit "Registry Editor".

Restart your system and You have done this trick.

Lets See here i change Start button into my name...


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Anuj Goyal